Family day out events in Salisbury, United Kingdom
Black Hole Poetry | Workshop (at Science and Engineering Day)
Today at 10:30 AM
Building 46, Lecture Theatre C (2005)
Black Hole Poetry | Workshop (at Science and Engineering Day)
Today at 10:30 AM
Building 46, Lecture Theatre C (2005)
Braintastic! Science: Am I Normal? | Show (at Science and Engineering Day)
Today at 10:30 AM
Building 32, Lecture Theatre 1015
Braintastic! Science: Am I Normal? | Show (at Science and Engineering Day)
Today at 10:30 AM
Building 32, Lecture Theatre 1015
The Role of a Mental Health Nurse|Workshop (at Science and Engineering Day)
Today at 10:30 AM
Building 67, Lecture Theatre (1037)
The Role of a Mental Health Nurse|Workshop (at Science and Engineering Day)
Today at 10:30 AM
Building 67, Lecture Theatre (1037)
Aurora Art | Workshop (at Science and Engineering Day)
Today at 10:30 AM
Building 46, Lecture Theatre C (2005)
Aurora Art | Workshop (at Science and Engineering Day)
Today at 10:30 AM
Building 46, Lecture Theatre C (2005)
Rejected TED Talks: Science Comedy | Show (at Science and Engineering Day)
Today at 10:30 AM
Building 67 , Lecture Theatre 1 (Room 1037)
Rejected TED Talks: Science Comedy | Show (at Science and Engineering Day)
Today at 10:30 AM
Building 67 , Lecture Theatre 1 (Room 1037)
Grow your Hydroponic System | Workshop (at Science and Engineering Day)
Today at 10:30 AM
Building 58, Lecture Theatre C (Rm 1007)
Grow your Hydroponic System | Workshop (at Science and Engineering Day)
Today at 10:30 AM
Building 58, Lecture Theatre C (Rm 1007)
Sun, Jun 1, 10:00 AM
King's Hat Inclosure Car Park
Sun, Jun 1, 10:00 AM
King's Hat Inclosure Car Park
MRI in Action! | Guided Laboratory Tour (at Science and Engineering Day)
Today at 10:30 AM
Hartley Library (Building 36), Foyer (Meeting Point)
MRI in Action! | Guided Laboratory Tour (at Science and Engineering Day)
Today at 10:30 AM
Hartley Library (Building 36), Foyer (Meeting Point)
Adults are hopeless, children will change the world | Workshop (at SED)
Today at 10:30 AM
Building 100, Level 4, Harvard Lecture Theatre B (Rm 4011)
Adults are hopeless, children will change the world | Workshop (at SED)
Today at 10:30 AM
Building 100, Level 4, Harvard Lecture Theatre B (Rm 4011)