Comic con events in Peterborough, United Kingdom
Networking Lunch – Meet Canadian pioneers in AI in Advanced Manufacturing
Mon, Mar 24, 12:30 PM
Networking Lunch – Meet Canadian pioneers in AI in Advanced Manufacturing
Mon, Mar 24, 12:30 PM
Free Tour Harry Potter en Londres
Today at 11:00 AM + 34 more
Shaftesbury Memorial Fountain, en Piccadilly Circus (frente a Lillywhites) (Metro: Piccadilly Circus). Buscar un paraguas/bandera verde azulado con el nombre de Paseando por Europa
Free Tour Harry Potter en Londres
Today at 11:00 AM + 34 more
Shaftesbury Memorial Fountain, en Piccadilly Circus (frente a Lillywhites) (Metro: Piccadilly Circus). Buscar un paraguas/bandera verde azulado con el nombre de Paseando por Europa
Comically Absurd VOL 4 (April Fool Special)
Thu, Apr 24, 8:00 PM
Factory 15 Bar & Events Venue at MAKE IT Barking
Comically Absurd VOL 4 (April Fool Special)
Thu, Apr 24, 8:00 PM
Factory 15 Bar & Events Venue at MAKE IT Barking
CIP@EIS—Referendum sul Lavoro: Cosa C'è in Gioco?
Monday at 6:30 PM
Bush House North East Wing, King's College London
CIP@EIS—Referendum sul Lavoro: Cosa C'è in Gioco?
Monday at 6:30 PM
Bush House North East Wing, King's College London
Navigating the Festival Circuit: a Panel Discussion and Networking Evening
Thu, Apr 3, 7:00 PM
Close-Up Cinema
Navigating the Festival Circuit: a Panel Discussion and Networking Evening
Thu, Apr 3, 7:00 PM
Close-Up Cinema
Club lectura español: Dinosaurio de David Pascual Huertas
Thu, May 29, 7:00 PM
Instituto Cervantes London
Club lectura español: Dinosaurio de David Pascual Huertas
Thu, May 29, 7:00 PM
Instituto Cervantes London
Free Tour Jack el Destripador en español
Today at 7:00 PM + 19 more
Kindertransport Memorial (escultura enfrente del McDonald’s de Liverpool Street Station) (Metro más cercano: Liverpool Street). Buscar un paraguas/bandera verde azulado con el nombre de “Paseando por Europa”
Free Tour Jack el Destripador en español
Today at 7:00 PM + 19 more
Kindertransport Memorial (escultura enfrente del McDonald’s de Liverpool Street Station) (Metro más cercano: Liverpool Street). Buscar un paraguas/bandera verde azulado con el nombre de “Paseando por Europa”
A-Z of CREATING PHOTOGRAPHS with Larisa Dizdar (5-week course)
Saturday at 1:00 PM
North Kensington Library
A-Z of CREATING PHOTOGRAPHS with Larisa Dizdar (5-week course)
Saturday at 1:00 PM
North Kensington Library
Your Future, Your Vibe, Let’s Thrive: The Career Mixer
Sat, Mar 22, 11:00 AM
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Riverside East (Stratford)
Your Future, Your Vibe, Let’s Thrive: The Career Mixer
Sat, Mar 22, 11:00 AM
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Riverside East (Stratford)