Career fairs events in Inverness, United Kingdom
5 Days In Italy: UoD Marketing Competition
Fri, Apr 4, 10:00 AM
Centre for Entrepreneurship - University of Dundee
5 Days In Italy: UoD Marketing Competition
Fri, Apr 4, 10:00 AM
Centre for Entrepreneurship - University of Dundee
Employ-Abilities: Follow-Up Talk and Q+A with Journalist Hazel Martin
Monday at 3:00 PM
Dalhousie Building
Employ-Abilities: Follow-Up Talk and Q+A with Journalist Hazel Martin
Monday at 3:00 PM
Dalhousie Building
Committee Skills
Thursday at 10:00 AM
ACVO Training Room, ACVO, VSA Building Castlegate, 38 Castle Street
Committee Skills
Thursday at 10:00 AM
ACVO Training Room, ACVO, VSA Building Castlegate, 38 Castle Street
Bridge of Don/ Oldmachar P3-4 Easter Orienteering Festival
Wed, Mar 26, 4:00 PM
Danestone Primary School
Bridge of Don/ Oldmachar P3-4 Easter Orienteering Festival
Wed, Mar 26, 4:00 PM
Danestone Primary School