Young_people events in Elgin, United Kingdom
Meeting Centres Scotland Conference - The Big Social
Mon, May 19, 9:30 AM
The Apex City Quay Hotel and Spa
Meeting Centres Scotland Conference - The Big Social
Mon, May 19, 9:30 AM
The Apex City Quay Hotel and Spa
Discovering the past: introduction to genealogy and local history Gairloch
Thu, Apr 24, 7:30 PM
UHI North, West & Hebrides
Discovering the past: introduction to genealogy and local history Gairloch
Thu, Apr 24, 7:30 PM
UHI North, West & Hebrides
Shakespeare Study Day: Henry V
Saturday at 10:00 AM
Paterson Centre, Botanic Garden, University of Dundee
Shakespeare Study Day: Henry V
Saturday at 10:00 AM
Paterson Centre, Botanic Garden, University of Dundee