Serax events in Ghent, Belgium
Advanced fNIRS Applications:Best Practices for Integration with fMRI or TMS
Monday at 9:00 AM
Maastricht_university (Ground floor, right at the entrance)
Advanced fNIRS Applications:Best Practices for Integration with fMRI or TMS
Monday at 9:00 AM
Maastricht_university (Ground floor, right at the entrance)
Initiation à la sérigraphie textile en soirée. On imprime sur vos T-shirts!
Tue, Apr 1, 5:40 PM
La Zone
Initiation à la sérigraphie textile en soirée. On imprime sur vos T-shirts!
Tue, Apr 1, 5:40 PM
La Zone
2e Paasdag sessie 2 - 11:30 Paaseieren zoeken bij Buitenuit
Mon, Apr 21, 11:30 AM
Koffiehuis Buitenuit
2e Paasdag sessie 2 - 11:30 Paaseieren zoeken bij Buitenuit
Mon, Apr 21, 11:30 AM
Koffiehuis Buitenuit
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